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tv   America Live  FOX News  November 12, 2012 10:00am-12:00pm PST

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v.a. served and are serving our country today. rick: "america live" starts right now. shannon: and we begin with a fox news alert on the growing questions over the resignation of cia director david petraeus about whether he and his mistress discussed any confidential intelligence during their affair and whether any intel secrets were ever made public. welcome to "america live," i'm shannon bream in for megyn kelly. petraeus resigned friday after admitting he cheated on his wife, you see her here, a revelation uncovered by an fbi investigation into a series of e-mails sent by his biographer, paula broadwell, who was accused of sending harassing e-mails to another woman. that sparks an investigation that revealed her secret relationship with petraeus. but after looking at a recent speech she gave on the death of four americans in libya, people started wondering whether she and petraeus had shared any classified intel and whether she inadvertently spilled some of
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those secrets during her remarks. bill gross joins us live, what's your impression of this situation as it's playing out? >> well, it's certainly a very interesting situation, as you say. there's a joke going around on twitter that the french intelligence director resigned because he doesn't have an affair for six months. so the idea that an extramarital affair in itself would bring down the cia director is very isn't in my mind. there has to be more to the story. my guess is it has to do with internal cia politics. the agency's known to be using intelligence information to settle scores, or it could be related to the benghazi scandal. shannon: well, we know just weeks ago that general petraeus, then-director petraeus, had been on the ground in libya, he was set to testify this week on capitol hill. does the timing raise red flags of the resignation late friday? >> absolutely. clearly, there was some covert
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action program going on in libya. i think the agency and the obama administration are trying to figure out how to deal with that. it could include some very embarrassing information related to the program. we don't know exactly what it is, it could be related to syria, it could be related to, perhaps, the militia group that carried out the benghazi attack. so these are important questions that need to be answered, and by sidelining petraeus in this way through his resignation, certainly it's going to be harder to get at those questions at least for independent investigators, say, on capitol hill. shannon: he may not testify this week as was planned, but i talked with a number of lawmakers this weekend who said they do intend, if necessary, to subpoena him, even in his roam as a private citizen -- role as a private citizen now. do you think he'll resist it or a welcome it to testify to something that maybe the investigation didn't want him to talk about publicly? >> well, the question is not so much whether he will testify, it's what he will say when he
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testifies and how much he can say. a standing, current cia director is in one position, a former cia director who has resigned over an extramarital affair is another witness. and, of course, he still has the information. the question is, will he reveal that information, and will we finally get to the bottom of the story. he's going to send a stand-in who's his deputy, mike morrell, at the agency. i'm sure that he has a lot of information related to this, too, but there seems to be a lot of bureaucratic maneuvering at this point to figure out what they actually want to say at the hearings coming up later this week. shannon: some say this is salacious, a private matter between the petraeus', isn't something that should be discussed publicly, vetted mily, but -- publicly, but there are reports that paula broadwell had classified documents on her computers. we just don't know where she got them, but is it legitimate to ask questions about this relationship and how it could
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have impacted national security? >> well, i think the first question is there is how did this investigation get started. if, in fact, petraeus asked the fbi to look into it, i doubt very much that he had any culpability as far as disclosing any classified information or documents, but that he obviously felt that there was some concern. but, hey, you know, what's the cia director afraid of? personal security, i mean, he has a lot worse enemies than a disgruntled suitor. so it's not clear to me if there is a really security dimension to this case so far. then again, we don't have all the facts and, you know, being the cia i'm not sure we're going to get all the facts, at least right away. shannon: but eventually, we can imagine they will come. bill, thank you very much, sir. >> thank you. shannon: again, as of this hour general petraeus is not planning to testify at any of the four hearings this week into the benghazi incident. additionally, secretary of state hillary clinton, she was actually called by one of these
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committees, she apparently will not be able to attend because of travel arrangements, so the house foreign affairs committee is asking her to testify november 25th. the senate foreign relations committee holds a briefing on the matter at 3:00 tomorrow, november 13th. the house foreign affairs committee and the house select intelligence committees will both hold hearings at 10 a.m. eastern on november 15th followed by a hearing by the senate select intelligence committee at 2:30 p.m. that very same day. and just days before those hearings we learn from an unusual pentagon briefing that the timeline of events in libya as we now know them may be a far cry from what actually went on in benghazi. we're going to talk with pete leg seth about this new version of events is so troubling troubd where this story goes from here as it continues to unfold. there are a growing number of reports out this week suggesting gun and ammunition sales are soaring in recent weeks, driven in part by a concern about a second term for president obama and that it
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could mean new restrictions on the rights of gun owners. trace gallagher is looking looko this phenomenon. hello, trace. >> reporter: hey, shannon. the most reliable way to track gun sales is by looking at the number of background checks being conducted. when president obama took office, the number of background checks went up by 1.5 million, they have steadily gone up since then. 2009, 11.4 million background checks, 11.5 in 2010. then look at the jump, 13 million background checks in 2011, and so far this year 14.8 million background checks and a lot of gun owners say in the past four or fife days -- five days there has been a tremendous spike. now, experts say the increase is because of concerns about tighter regulation on semiautomatic rifles, especially firearms that might be classified as assault rifles. gun enthusiasts point to what the president said during the debates. listen here. >> but i also share your belief that weapons that were designed for soldiers in war theaters
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don't belong on our streets. and so what i'm trying to do is to get a broader conversation about how do we reduce the violence generally. >> reporter: now, remember, there was an assault weapon restriction under president clinton. that expired in 2004. it didn't eliminate the weapons, but it did limit magazine capacity, how many rounds they could fire, pistol grips and bayonet attachments. some are concerned that president obama may push for even tougher restrictions. here's a gun shop owner, listen. >> the first four years people felt that he would do things to appease all sides whereas this being his final four years he has nothing to lose, i think is the opinion that most people have. >> reporter: yeah. we should also note that over the past four or five days a lot of gun 120ers report that ammunition along with gun! s getting low, and the gun companies' stocks have also risen in recent days. shannon? shannon: keep an eye on it. thanks, trace.
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>> reporter: okay. shannon: outrage and frustration growing in storm-ravaged areas in new york. multiple protests breaking out over the weekend taking aim at the long island power authority as thousands suffer without heat and without life nearly two weeks after superstorm sandy. >> it's inconceivable that we don't have power, but what's really inconceivable is that we have no answers about what we have to do to restore power. >> i am very unhappy because we pay the highest rates in the country out of 50 states, and lipa has just delivered terrible, like we don't exist. >> it's sad. i mean, how long is it going to take to get our electricity back? there's elderly people that live here, sick people, god forbid, what is it going to take, somebody to die live anything their house because it's so cold? >> once that grid is turned on and our power's turned on, we still don't have power because most of our electrical boxes
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were underwater. that means we need electricians and power lines in because everything was underwater. so it's time. we need to power on so we can get our lives rebuilt. shannon: jonathan hunt has the very latest. hello, jonathan. >> reporter: hey, shannon. they are doing their to get the power back on the rockaway peninsula of new york, but still 29,000 people do not have any power at all. part of that according to the long island power authority is because it is simply not safe enough to get the power back on in a lot of these homes, and they say they are working as quickly as they can. you can see them actually in the process of trying to fix this here, but there are so many downed power lines and so few crews, relatively speaking, to do this. that is why lipa has brought in crews from as far away as phoenix, arizona, as best they can. but still, obviously, when you are one of those people who has been without power since hurricane sandy hit, it just cannot come back quickly enough. and these people, as you can
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see, have suffered so much damage. home after home destroyed not just by the flooding, but by fires as well here. we spoke to the owner of this home earlier, ironically he is himself a retired firefighter. he talked just about how terrifying it was when the flames started spreading through here. families with children were scrambling to get out of this neighborhood, and now they have come back, and you see very plainly right in front of you there what they have found left of their homes. it is a dreadful situation for them. they say they're not getting enough help from city and state officials in general, shannon. around the corner there is a church that has set up a base for medical help, volunteer doctors -- again, not the city and state providing anything -- but volunteer doctors, also food supplies and clothes for so many people who have simply lost everything. shannon: jonathan, it's important to keep their stories out there. we thank you very much for sharing it from those folks
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firsthand. thank you, sir. a grim new reality setting in for america's business owners and their employees as companies begin the cutbacks they warned about to deal with the costs from the president's health care plan. lou dobbs is next with the steps american employers are taking to adjust and how their employees are feeling the pinch. and as the president calls for higher taxes on the rich, our research shows big government getting bigger than ever. we'll look at the issues america seems to have with drawing the line on government spending and whether anyone is going to start pumping the brakes on that anytime soon. and trackside at nascar looking more like a mosh pit this weekend as the pit crews from two top drivers come to blows off the track. stay tuned for that. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios
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has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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♪ shannon: iran launching new large-scale military drills
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today. state media reporting the weeklong exercise includes bombers and fighter planes, drones and missile systems as well as about 8,000 elite and regular troops and covers the entire eastern half of the country. all this after reports last week of iranian war planes opening fire on an unarmed drone over international waters. increasing tensions over tehran's suspected nuclear weapons program, iran is denying those allegations. >> supposing you did provide health insurance. it has to be insurance approved of by the federal government, i got that -- >> that's correct. >> roughly how much for a restaurant with 300 people, roughly how much? >> we've calculated it will be some millions of dollars across our system. some millions. so what does that say? that says we won't build more restaurants, we won't hire more people, exactly the opposite effect of what the president --
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shannon: that was the ceo for a big group of applebee's restaurants last week explaining the reality for business owners now that the health care law appears to be here to stay. he spoke out late last week as a growing number of reports that many businesses are considering plans to reduce their work force or slash hours for hundreds of employees. papa john's pizza, another company suggesting that course of action as well. both restaurant chains are now coming under fire, being attacked at un-american. lou dobbs, a great american, and host of lou dobbs tonight on fox business channel, joins us now. what do you make of this? people are saying they're retaliating against president obama for being reelected, and that's what this is all about. >> and that's unfortunate, because it is the mark of our times that people are looking at everything in these sort of petty, partisan views. they don't understand that when people tell you that obamacare will cost us billions and billions of dollars and business will be impaired in what it can do because of the onerous costs
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of obamacare, they mean it. they actually have consequences. you know, the president says elections have consequences. one of them is obamacare, as john boehner put it the other way, it's the law of the land. that means that businesses are going to be laying people off. that means that over eight million americans who are part time are going to continue to work part time until we see a real resurgence in this economy, certainly. because it's just not economical for the employer to move ahead. it's cheaper for them, in fact, to pay a $2,000 fine. imagine this, to pay $2,000 for an employee they didn't hire who they've hired and not put them on an employee-sponsored insurance plan. this is the exact reversefect of what we had, you know, been told would occur. but we should be used to that, because so much of the -- so
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many of the consequences have not been intended because they were never thought out by this congress, the previous congress. and we're looking at people saying it's partisanship. let me give you an example of why that's pure bull, shannon, many i fay. shannon: please do. >> one of the companies laying off people is a company called stryker, one of the medical device makers, one of the biggest in the world. well, stryker is going to close -- well, it's already, in fact, closed a facility in orchard park, new york. they're eliminating 96 jobs. they've announced that because of obamacare and the tax on medical devices of 2.3% that they will be slashing 5% of their global work forces. for stryker that means 1500 jobs. this is big, and it's only one of literally hundreds and hundreds of companies. now, what's interesting about this is stryker is a very famous
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company, it's made famous by the fact that one of the heirs to the company fortune is a man by the name of john stryker. john stryker was one of president obama's top five donors in this cycle. top five. he contributed, well, $2 million he contributed to the super pac. and there's no ideological issue here. this is business. and the company is laying off 5% of its work force. and i wanted to bring that up just so people understand. this is not petty partisanship, this is real business with real impact on real people. the pain of poorly-thought-out public policy is tremendous. by the way, did i mention that there's been no discussion in all this time of the 23 million americans who remain unemployed? shannon: right. >> underemployed or who have given up finding a job.
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nothing has changed for those folks. shannon: and it doesn't sound like it's going to change for the positive when you look at this. at the end of the day, this is numbers, thai on the balance sheet, people make business decisions. we're going to actually have someone from the medical device industry on a little bit later to talk about this, and for the first time in the history of these companies, they are going to be laying people i after. so when you see these treats saying you're un-american, you're trying to make these layoffs a self-fulfilling prophesy. >> there are a group of people in this country who refuse to see reality, they refuse to understand the relationship between cause and effect, politics and economics here. this is not politics. politics was about getting obamacare through. politics was about the election, about whether or not to repeal it. now we're talking about business and economics and consequences. and it's going to be detrimental as was discussed day in and day out on the campaign trail.
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there are no surprises here. arthur laffer said it best, when you talk with the medical device industry spokesperson later here, arthur laffer said it best, the famous economist who worked for ronald reagan. what you want, you should tax. what you don't want as a society, what you don't want is a society, rather, you should tax and what you do want you should subsidize. my god, if there's anything we should be subsidizing, it's medical devices and research and medicine and science. and here is the administration coming with a 2.3% tax on companies, many of which are not profitable. shannon: yeah. and that's just one of many, many taxes tucked into the bill, but, of course, more than 3,000 pages and most members of congress admitted they didn't read it. it's good to see you, thank you so much for weighing in. the resignation of the nation's spy chief has the pentagon releasing its version of events of the terror attacks in libya that left four
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americans dead. we're going to show you that timeline. and what looks like a joke is growing bigger. [ male announcer ] when was the last time something made your jaw drop? campbell's has 24 new soups that will make it drop over, and over again. ♪ from jammin' jerk chicken, to creamy gouda bisque. see what's new from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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♪ shannon: a unique war memorial to fallen service members rising once again for veterans day. since the 1930s the 7-foot white cross stood on federal land in california's no heavy i have desert until it was removed, ordered down because it was unconstitutional. veterans capping a landmark case. we brought it to you when it went all the way to the supreme court. >> it's been a 13-year battle, and a lot of ups and downs. we've been told it has to come down, and we cried over that, and then we heard, oh, no, it
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can stay. we're just so happy to have it resolved finally. >> this country has a special place, a special place in their heart for veterans, for their sacrifice. and this cross is something special, and it's sacred round. shannon: the one-acre site has been turned over to the private hands to the veterans of foreign wars and a big thanks to our vet anns -- veterans today as we celebrate on monday. things can get tense at 200 miles an hour as nascar drivers battle it out. but a little bit of road rage led led to fist flying off the track. they're clearing the benches! >> reporter: this thing was crazy. it went from trading paint to trading blows very quickly. it was supposed to be the last lap at the phoenix international speedway. look what happened? you have jeff gordon and clint boyier who, by the way, have been making contact all season long. you see number 15, 24?
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24 is jeff gordon. ran him deliberately into the side to have wall. and you see a couple of other cars got caught in that as well. deliberately into the side of the wall right there. they spin out, and then jeff gordon makes it back to the garage, kind of limps back to the garage. gets out of the car, jumps out of the car, now look what happens. they start jumping him, and the crew from clint boy yers jumps in, and it went onto the track, they delayed the race for 15 minutes. i mean, this thing got crazy. kevin hard advantage who won the race, he says, and i'm quoting here: this sport is -- that, by the way, is clint. he ran back from his car, but they wouldn't let him. he says the sport was made on fights, we should have more fights. they're not always fun to be in, sometimes you're on the wrong end, but fights are what made nascar what it is. clint boyer says this was
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embarrassing for jeff do, gordon says he's been having problems with boyar all season long, and he was fed up. you see what happened. no word yet if any fines will be issued by nascar, but you can bet there will be. and they will be issued by nascar. shannon? shannon: i fell in love with nascar when i lived in charlotte. if you haven't seen a race, you should got. you get a little loose, there's a little bump, sometimes it's accident, sometimes it's not, but anytime the guys and gals are enough to get out and actually start throwing punches, i think we have to say it's a good day. everyone's okay. >> reporter: everyone's okay and, you know, some of the drivers are happy. shannon: their wallets may be a little bit lighter. thank, trace. as the president prayers to launch a coast-to-coast case for big tax hikes, we're looking at where this money is going. up next, we're going to detail the explosion in federal spending. plus, president reagan once famously called america a
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shining city on a hill, a beacon of light for the rest of the world to follow. but has that changed? coming up, michael reagan will ask if this is the america that his father envisioned. >> those of us with over 35 or so years of age grew up in a different america. we were taught very directly what it means to be an american, and we have soared almost in the air a love of country and an appreciation of its institutions. if you didn't get these things from your family, you got them from the neighborhood, from the father down the street who fought in korea or the family who lost someone, or you can get a sense of patriotism from school. and if all else failed, you could get a sense of patriotism from the popular culture. [ male announcer ] kids grow up in no time...
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marie callender's turkey breast with stuffing is a great reason to slow down. creamy mash potatoes, homestyle gravy and 320 calories. marie callender's. it's time to savor.
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remember, open enrollment ends friday, december 7th. we can help. call unitedhealthcare to learn about medicare plans that may be right for you. call now. ♪ shannon: the death toll rising in the aftermath of superstorm sandy. a grandfather from queens becoming the 43rd new yorker to die because of sandy. family members say the 77-year-old albert mcswain slipped down a wet stir case in his darkened home back on october 31st. he passed away on friday. he was a korean war veteran and a retired custodian at the new york city police academy. so far at least 113 people have died since sandy made landfall two weeks ago. as the president prepares to launch a coast-to-coast case for big tax hikes, there are new questions about where the money is going.
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tom coburn made this point about federal spending and regulation on "meet the press." >> there is no question that have a government that's twice the size it was 11 years ago. shannon: we investigated. so is the senators claim true? turns out, it is. and some of the other numbers we found weringstaggering. brad blakeman and dick harpootlian, gentlemen, welcome to you both. >> thank you. >> thank you. shannon: all right, brad, i want to start with you. that is just one of many numbers we uncovered that showed there's an explosion in the growth of the federal government, so are we pouring gasoline on the fire by giving the government more money to spend instead of a focus on cutting back? >> you bet we are. how is it possible that the government grows 100% in 13 years? regulation is up and the 10% growth in the federal work force in the last ten years is unsustainable. so we have a real challenge before us, and the president's
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talking about soaking the rich and getting more money into the treasury to spend for things we can't afford. what the president should be talking about is what he talked about in 2008 and 2009. remember when he said i'm going to take a scalpel to the budget, and instead he took a rubber stamp. the test should be the government should only do for the people what this people cannot do for themselves. that should be the litmus test as to the dollars that are spent. cut the spending, and we also need to increase revenue, for sure, and loopholes. but raising taxes without cutting spending is not a prescription for success. shannon: all right, dick, your guy won last week, many of your guys and gals won last week. >> he did, he did. shannon: and the message was about making the wealthy pay more, there was never really an emphasis on we're going to work on entitlement reform. as soon as politicians start talking about that, their poll numbers start dropping, and they get into a lot of trouble. americans, by and large, in their own lives have to live by
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fiscal discipline, so how now does the president find a balance in those two messages? >> well, i think, and the president said this several times, and his team put out a process which would include $9 of cuts for every $1 in revenue increase. now, that is a balanced program. but let me say this, shannon, we did have an election last week, and there are consequences to elections x. the president and the people support some revenue increase and cuts. and that's what he wants to do. john boehner has already talked about working with the president on this. let me say this, the vitriol of the last two years or maybe the last four years on both sides to have fence, democrats and republicans, need, that needs to stop. we need to move forward together as a united america and put the vitriol away, put the campaign mode away. i think all americans want that. i know some republicans want that and some democrats want that.
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let's find that common ground and move forward. shannon: this event that the president had last friday at the white house to a lot of people looked a lot like a campaign event. they was surrounded by people who were described as middle class americans who had voted for him and stakeholders who want to see his particular plans forwarded. there were no questions from the press. it looked a lot like a campaign event. brad, this is part of what the president had so say. he said on tuesday voters said loud and clear on tuesday they won't tolerate politicians who use compromise as a dirty word. cooperation, consensus. is the president going to get that from republicans, and should he? >> if he acts in good faith, he will be met with good faith. we're not going to be fooled like we were -- actually, the republicans were not fooled on health care, because we didn't vote for it. but if they have an all-encompassing bill on entitlements and taxes and spending, it's not going to work. we need to attack these problems in their own stand-alone bills
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that the president can sign when all of them have been passed. but what we need to do is set up committees on taxes, on spending, on entitlements and pass bills that are germane to that without amendment, and that's how you're going to involve this problem. but -- solve this problem. the democrats, i guarantee you, are going to want one giant bill, and they'll jam in a solution that will not fix the problem. shannon: dick, do you think that's what's going to happen? speaker boehner has said a number of times he is ready for the president to show leadership, he's ready to be led. that's not how things worked in the first term, and yet people voted for the senate to remain in the hands of democrats and the white house still controlled by president obama, obviously, a democrat. so where does anything move? how does anything change the second time around? >> well, again, i would agree with brad. if the president shows good faith, i believe the republicans -- look, there are people of goodwill on both sides of the aisle. of we have got to stop listening
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to the harpings and the screeching on the extreme. and i think that one of the messages that came through in this election is the people are tired of no compromise. and, brad, i say this to you, i think the president's going to take the approach you just talked about. and we've got to stop showing up at these meetings and showing up in discussions with this innate distrust of the other side. let's assume good faith until we see something else. and if that happens and we can quit pouring gasoline on the fire, that would be the extremes on both sides, we can move this country forward. there are a lot of people that don't want to see this country move forward, the chinese, the arab terrorists, the folks -- the russians. a number of folks are competing with us. we came together for sandy, we came together for katrina, we're in a tough spot, and we all need to come together again. shannon: look at you guys agreeing. >> i agree. shannon: i feel a little bipartisan love. that's a great place to leave it. gentlemen, thank you both, and we hope the folks in washington are listening. >> thank you. >> climb buy ya.
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[laughter] shannon: a troubling new timeline on the deaths of four americans in libya that suggests the pentagon didn't know we were under attack for almost an hour after our ambassador sounded an alarm. pete leg seth next on why that might be, that the pentagon didn't know. and what looks like a joke is now quietly growing in support as hundreds, then thousands of people sign petitions requesting that their individual state secede from the union. we're going to show you who and what is behind this effort. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis sympto. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function
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shannon: there are new questions about te murder of four americans in libya as the pent gone releases -- pentagon releases its version of events that suggests it was unaware of the attack nearly an hour after the terrorists opened fire. the assault started at around 9:42 p.m. libya time. 22 minutes later a cia team left for the consulate, but it was another half hour after that,
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10:32 p.m., that secretary of defense leon panetta and general martin dempsey were first told of the attack. at 2:53 a.m., some phi hours late -- five hours later, orders were formalized to allow special ops to deploy to benghazi, but as we know for ambassador chris stevens and three other patriots, it was too little, and it was hours too late. the ceo of concerned veterans for america, sir, welcome and thank you first to your service of to this country on veterans day. >> thank you. shannon: how worried should we be? is it normal or not normal that you have a mission under attack, an ambassador personally imperilled, and the defense secretary isn't noted, the joint chief staff not notified for fearly an hour? -- nearly an hour many. >> that is something that should trigger at the very highest levels a series of things to happen. it's not as though the pentagon
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didn't know about this for 50 minutes. reports have shown that the commander, general hamm, was at the pentagon that day, ordered an aerial drone -- unarmed, maybe they didn't have armed assets available -- but he's looking at any number of things. commanders, critical information requirements, friendly forces, priority intelligence requirements, different triggers in a command center that say, okay, now it's time the tell the commander something more about this. who in his case would be the chairman of the joint chiefs or the secretary of defense. i've got to believe an ambassador under siege fits one of those critical intelligence or information requirements that would mean a notification of the people that can make the call to send even more assets. africom doesn't have much at their disposal at that moment. it should have been done sooner. shannon: we know at some point a personal distress button was signaled from the mission there in benghazi. there were certainly signs that there was an immediate, pressing
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need. so why would we wait hours -- >> sure. i don't know. shannon: -- to mobilize anything, get it even close to where it could be of some help? >> i've got two theories. one, maybe that information wasn't transferred as q should,t they did know about it. the second piece would be maybe dod thought this was cia's action to deal with, that cia had assets that they could bring to bear immediately to effect the situation like at the annex, like with an aerial drone and others. still means you should be getting your fast teams or other special operators on ready, preposition them. i believe a commander has the authority to sort of start the necessary movement on things like that. but, again, the chairman of the joint chiefs, your secretary of defense are going to make the big calls on when to send people in. but it's the job of those underneath to prep your assets, make sure those assets are available. that should have happened from moment one. shannon: what do you make of the fact that we have heard the
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white house, the president represent at the moment they knew there was someone in trouble, they mobilized, or they gave the orders or gave the directive to do anything we needed to do to help the people there, and yet there are those who say within the military we weren't given the order to go ahead? where does that breakdown occur, and who would have those missing pieces of information for us to know why if the white house is telling them to mobilize and get there and help, it somehow didn't p happen, at least not in a timely fashion? >> uh-huh. yeah, we would need a lot of different people to testify, to take information that one person says and bounce it against facts we know and information someone else provides. until you do that, you've got different institutions selectively releasing details. you need to bring people forward, ask them straightforward questions, get to the answers you can, and from there build a clear picture of what happened, who was directed when. the president just turning to somebody and saying make it happen is one thing, were those orders relaid, were they ignored -- relayed, were they
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ignored, i'm not quite sure. the other question which is incredibly important at the end of the stories and reporting is why hasn't anything been done about the people who killed our ambassador? no justice has been brought to those who killed our ambassador, and i think that's an untold story of what's going on right now. shannon: yeah. and there are those who include senator lindsey graham who are insisted we have access to that individual and pushing the tunisian government to insure we would get some kind of access which has made it more of a public conversation about why we don't know more about holding that person or persons individually accountable. we have gotten different briefs from the cia, the pentagon, some of this has been anonymous information, but there are differences in some of the timelines and explanations about what happened. at what point do the agencies sort of dig in to protect themselves, their personnel and what they believe they did right versus versions ha we're getting from the white house -- that we're getting from the white house and elsewhere? >> yeah. agencies are going to do that. you've already seen that from the cia with the criticism that
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they held back for a while, then it reported, hey, these guys were sent from the annex to the consulate, they rescued everyone but the ambassador because couldn't find him. this was a consulate in name only, they were holding back that information for obvious reasons, but then once it became clear the heat was on them, they released it. you're going to start to see that, you're already seeing it, frankly. that's why we need to get straight answers from all of them to pick apart what really happened that day. shannon: with four hearings this week, maybe we'll start to get some of them. pete, thank you so very much. >> thanks for having me. shannon: well, there was amazing voter tushout in philadelphia -- turnout in philadelphia last week. we're going the investigate to see if it was, in fact, an amazing, great turnout or if something else doesn't add up. plus, growing health worries for victims of superstorm sandy nearly two weeks after the storm, some residents are up against some very serious health problems. dr. manny will tell us why he's
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become so very concerned. >> first time i saw it, i was totally devastated. i couldn't stop crying. can you believe that, actually, we actually lived here, we raised our family here, my kids here? it's ground zero, they call it, and it's exactly what it is. nno] this is anna, her long day teaching the perfect swing begins with back pain and a choice. take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills. good eye. or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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shannon: this next story sounded like a joke at first, but so far it appears to be legit. thousands of citizens across the country are using a web site to send petitions to the white house. here's what their asking for: permission for their state to secede peacefully from the union. it appears to be some sort of protest over last week's vote. trace gallagher is live with details. is this for real? >> reporter: it really is. the people who are signing these petitions are making it very clear these are peaceful protests, aimed at showing just
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how frustrated they are with the direction of the country, mostly the bigger government and the lack of spending restraints. so now there are hundreds of thousands of americans in 20 states four that have actually signed petitions at white asking the president to allow their states to peacefully secede from the union. now, the petitions themselves require 25,000 signatures for consideration, and louisiana and texas are getting very close to that number. certainly, the right to petition your government is guaranteed by the first amendment, and the white house is encouraging free speech saying, and i'm quoting here: we want to hear from you. if a petition gets enough support, white house staff will review it, insure it's sent to the appropriate policy experts and issue an official response. they're not just talking about the secession petitions, they're talking about all petitions that are placed on white no one is threatening, by the way, to secede or wage war on the u.s., but experts point out we live in a very
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politically-divided dismaition that, you know, the more of these peaceful protests you see leads to more fragmentation, possibly more conflict. on the other side, many argue this is the american way, and this is the way americans should show they are frustrate with the the system. shannon: something tells me texas is going to get to that number first. >> reporter: or louisiana. shannon: thanks, trace. >> reporter: okay. shannon: new questions about the affair that ended the career of former cia director david petraeus. while the resignation was announced right before petraeus was scheduled to testify about the terror attack in benghazi, the fbi knew about this affair back in august. so did the white house know, and when? ambassador john bolton is on deck. and we've lost the america that president reagan used to describe. a lot of folks are asking the question. the last election sliced and diced america into voter groups pitted against each other, so the question is now whether the shining city on a hill is hopelessly divideed. michael reagan joins us ahead.
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>> the '90s, and some things have changed. younger parents aren't sure that an unambivalent appreciation of america is the right thing to teach modern children. and as for those who create the popular culture, well-grounded patriotism is no longer the style. our spirit is back, but we haven't reinstitutionalized it. we've got to do a better job of getting across that america is freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of enterprise and freedom is special and rare.
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shannon: the timing of general david petraeus resigning from the cia is raising questions as its comes just before he was to
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testify on libya. the stunning revelation. war hero general david petraeus forced from his cia post over his affair with his biographer. but the exit comes days after he was set to testify over the response to the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi. national security correspondents jennifer griffin has been breaking news all along on this. hello, jennifer. >> reporter: serious questions are being raised whether broadwell had access to the benghazi because of her relationship with david petraeus. and whether she may have revealed some of that information during a speech on november 6. bradwell said this. >> i don't know if a lot of you heard this, but the cia annex
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had taken a couple of libyan mely shah members prisoner and they think the attack on the consulate was an attempt to get the prisoners back. so the's still being vetted. >> reporter: the implication is the attack on the u.s. consulate was in fact part after strike against the cia operation which involved holding prisoners at the annex. bases on conversations with sources in touch at the annex that the cia contractors captured two libyan prisoners. we never knew who those prisoners were or what happened to them. we have learned those three prisoners may have been held for a few days at the annex and more than just libyan militia members were held there and intergate by
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cia contractors. the cia denies this. but a separate well-placed washington source confirms the libyan militiamen being held at the cia annex in benghazi may be a possible motive for the staged attack on the annex and consulate which was a diplomatic facility we now know in name only. shannon: thank you so much. every day something new. we are now told the fbi stumbled on to the petraeus affair late last summer. that means attorney general eric holder had to have known about the scandal. what did the president know and when. what about the timing of all this? john bolton, former ambassador to the united nations. do you smell a rat in this
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timing? >> i think there are a lot of questions here. the "wall street journal" reports that to be general eric holder knew in the late summer of the fbi uncovering the affair. and so that immediately races the question, what -- immediately raises the question, what did he do with that information. i think it's almost inconceivable that he didn't bring it to the attention of the white house. possibly the president himself. the idea that the white house didn't learn of this potential problem until election day i find incomprehensible. did the attorney general sit on this information for two months if that "wall street journal" report is correct? very hard to understand that. shannon: we know the fbi was investigating. they weren't after petraeus but they apparently stumbled on information that drew in this personal information. but for the fbi to have access
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to the e-mails of the director of the cia, i imagine somebody in the executive branch would have had to have known. access would have been grants or there would have been some red flags raised at some high levels. >> i'm not discussing the merits of the indiscretion so much as i am the government process. from the reports we have to date i think the fbi's conduct is sensible right up to the point where they discover relationship between he trace and broadwell. i find it incredible to think once that was uncovered it did not go immediately to the director of the fbi. i find incredible once the director learned he wouldn't call up the attorney general and say i need to put this in front of you. if the "wall street journal" is correct that this happens in the late summer, let's say labor day. a little bit before labor day. what did eric holder do with that information for the two
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months between then and 5:00 p.m. november 6 when the director of national intelligence and the white house were informed of it. i find it inconceivable the attorney general sat on this. congress not being notified of the fbi investigation with all due respect, that's a secondary issue. real issue given the conduct of an executive branch agency is why the executive branch didn't know about it beforehand. shannon: there wouldn't those close to the president himself who knew about it i am to inlate him from the information. you can't be responsible for acting on something you don't know about. >> reporter: you are responsible for running the government. if people believe this was a potentially compromising situation for general petraeus then it either needs to be brought to a head quickly one way or another or you risk
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compromise taking place while the delay goes on. if no one at the white house was told for two months, now to be told that suddenly it's so prom pro minds and petraeus has to resign doesn't make any sense. this time line opens the white house to the question of whether the information was you pressed for political reasons. did attorney general holder take it on himself to suppress the information? i think this is where people's attention ought to be focused. what holder did with that information if that "wall street journal" article is correct. shannon: ambassador, thank you for weighing in. we are getting new video of the home of the woman at the center of the scandal. cameras catching shots of the charlotte, north carolina home where paula broadwell lives. a 40-year-old brad watt of the
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u.s. military academy. she is marid with two young sons. neighbors say broadwell and her family are on a vacation with a vacation that was planned before the scandal broke. >> 2 weeks from the day superstorm sandy blew through. tens of thousands of folks still without power, without heat and some learning they won't get electricity until after thanksgiving. that's sparking growing frustration and outrage. >> i'm very unhappy. we pay the highest rates in the country out of 50 states. and lipa is terrible. it's like we don't exist. >> it's sad. how long will it take to get our electricity back. elderly people that live here, sick people live here. what is it going to take, somebody to die from living in their house and it's so cold? we need help. towns that have been more defend
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stated than this have their power back. shannon: one local lawmaker says folks are living like they are in a third world country. elizabeth mcdonald is live in belle harbor. >> i'm standing outside the st. francis church. people have been put in a tough situation. they are waiting to go into the school to pick up clothes, coats, blankets and food. they are giving out tetanus and hepatitis-a shots. we saw the national guard working with paramedics to get people out of their homes. and they need medical help. the merchants marines just showed up. red cross showed up and the situation is dates's warm. but they are worried as the weather changes that they have to move as quickly as they can. i'm glad to be here with the
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former fire chief of the new york city fire department who worked to the rescue and recovery of 9/11. tell me -- pete is from rockaway belle harbor. what was impacts of sandy on you and your family. >> we were flood out by the hurricane. we all survived. everybody is safe but the houses all suffered fire and smoke damage, flooding damage. >> reporter: i want to show you the gutted out area of belle harbor. you will see this used to be three properties that have been burned. also the cars have been burned. the situation with lipa is they have to send inspectors and people in individually to each home to make sure electrical ell boxes are working. >> it's important that licenses electricians do the rewiring.
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it's hazardous to try to do any jerry rigging. a lipa representative has to certify that the work has been done adequately. >> reporter: what do you think of lipa's response? >> it's inned a quawts. there is no information forthcoming as to when they might have power restored. people are not happy with the response from lipa in this area. >> reporter: who are you impressed with in terms of response from the government. >> the local government has bent most responsive. particularly the sanitation department and the off-duty firefighters have been down here in the hundreds helping people clear out their basements. most of the federal agencies such as peopla, a little -- such as fema a little slow to respond. once they got and running they are doing a credible job. >> reporter: belle har boirs an area where a lot of 9/11
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first responders, firemen and cops, live. they want to be seen as a symbol of a can-do spirit of america, that they are going to get back on their feet and do it themselves. but they are worried that what sandy exposed is a fragile response system from the u.s. government. but they are the people doing it themselves. one anecdotes we heard today, the report of a fireman who when the floods came in, the 7-foot waves started to collapse his home, he rescued his three children by tying them to his own back then took them to higher grounds. went back to get his in-laws and his wife. then went back again and got a 90-year-old woman whose house was collapsing. we'll be giving you live updates as we stay on this story, shannon. shannon: that's what americans
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at their best is all about. we have new health concerns about this hurricane and survivors. two weeks after sandy began to menace the northeast, what victims have to deal with now that has dr. manny worried. major american companies warning they will have to lay people off because of president obama's healthcare law. they have been saying it. more than two decades ago president ronald reagan described an optimistic and united america. after years of unemployment and increasingly divide electorate is reagan's electorate gone for good? his son joins us after this break. >> all great change in america begins at the dinner table. tonight in the kitchen i hope the talking begins. and children, if if your parents haven't been teaching you what it means to be an american, let
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them know and nail them on it. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. i just finished a bowl of your new light chicken pot pie soup and it's so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... ...lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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>> those of is over 35 or so years of age group in a different america. we were taught very directly what it means to be an american and we absorbed almost in the air a love of country. if you didn't get these things from your family you got them from the neighborhood. from the father count street who fought in korea, the family who lost somebody at anzio or you could get a sense of patriotism from school. if all else failed you could get a sense of patriotism from the popular culture. the movies celebrated democratic values and reinforced the idea that america was special. tv was like that, too, through the mid-60s. now we are about to enter the 90s and some things have
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changed. shannon: that was president ronald reagan talking about what makes america greet. some political writers are asking, is reagan's vision of america gone? michael reagan, chairman of the reagan group. how are you feeling post election? >> how am i feeling? i'm feeling like wow i wish we had my father back to give us more speeches like that. he was such a visionary going back to 1962 talking about socialized medicine. teaching your children about how to be an american. we do not do that anymore. today i'm speak at a high school in lax. tomorrow i'm speaking at a high school in maryland. wednesday i'm speaking at pepperdine, schools and colleges to reminds them about freedom. my father said it's never more than a generation away from extinct an and it's up to us to
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fight 40s. the republican party may talk about ronald reagan but they haven't embraced ronald reagan. america and ronal reagan, my father's vision of america is still there, what we are missing is ronald reagan. shannon: where are republicans missing the mark? >> my father was so inclusive in everything he did. he never smoke down to people. he spoke with people. he was somebody who was inclusive. i talked about it before on this show with the hispanic communities and females. this is as man who found areas of agreement and moved the ball forward. he didn't look for areas of disagreement and not most ball at all. i think the republican party can do well to learn from ronald reagan. i think it only place where you find people fighting for education, fighting for the grassroots of america really is at fox or talk radio.
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but you do not see it in the party leaders anymore. they are so busy paying attention to consultants they forgot the people of this country. we need to get back to actually representing the people, not representing the consultants. shannon: you talk about the fact that your father tried to be inclusive with the party. what do republicans do with the part of the party that says you can't compromise on core principles. we have to tow the line and we won't go with where the rest of the party wants to go. >> ronald reagan was pro life but endorsed his daughter maureen who was pro-choice. he believed in an 80-20 rule an was able to get so much done with an 80-20 rule. i say my father didn't have margaret thatcher if she was
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pro-choice and based on the answer decide whether they will get along. he didn't go to the pope and say what's your immigration policy? we don't control th the senate r the white house. we should move the ball forward on hope in the next election we represent the people more than we represented them in this last election. shannon: do you see within the republican party some up and comers that you feel like embodies that spirit and do you have hope this great country will return to what your father envisioned for us? >> you look at what this country was back in 1979. he decided to run for president of the united states in 1980. the turmoil. the age of malaise. unemployment. all those things were at the crossroads in 1980. ronald reagan was able to rise atbhoift three years and changed everything and put people back
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to work. that's what's great about america. we can change and move forward. but you need a voice, you need someone who will be able to carry that voice. you can't just go out there and could you tand -- out there ando different groups. the president was talking to the middle class. he was talking to america as inclusive at that point. we were the ones trying to go to this group and that group and have a voice for this one and that one. you have got to have a singular voice that is inclusive of the nation. not a voice that speaks differently to every different group in the nation. shannon: michael reagan, thank you very much, sir. up next recovery effort from superstorm sandy gang urgency as fears of health problems. dr. manny will join us next with
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details. >> i called lipa and they said we can't do anything for you, you have to get an inspector. i can't get an inspector. we have big dreams.
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shannon: the aftermath of superstorm sandy sparking serious health concerns. it's especially hard for folks dealing with disbitle who had a tough time making it through the storm and all that flooding. >> they carried me out. i lay there for six hours.
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the water went down and up so i could get out of the house. shannon: storm survivors are facing new medical worries. dr. manny alvarez is a member of the fox news medical a-team. you were out surveying the scene this weekend. what are your greatest worries? >> for a lot of folks in staten island and new jersey it seems like the storm happened yesterday. because they have been forgotten. a lot of health officials, fema, have not gone out there to look after these folks. what we found is all the health concerns that you can imagine after almost two weeks of this aftermath, you have mold in thousands of homes. you have backup sewers that have come into the community, into people's homes and into the street. we visited an area down in great became and basically there was a
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toxic wasteland because all the oil tanks in the homes have gone into the street, into the soil. we found people who were affected because they have breathing difficulties and they have rashes. they are cleaning this debris. in many communities there was not even the city or the state officials doing the cleanup. they are basically volunteers from the tennessee baptist church that have come down. right now these folks are hurting. and the clock is ticking. we have not on an environmental disaster, we have a health disaster brewing. >> if you need to get a prescription filled and your pharmacy is gone, even things like that that people need basic items to survive on a daily basis. how does that work? >> they have not been able to go to see their doctor because they can't get there or their
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doctor's office has shut down and they moved on to other places. many pharmacies are not open so a lot of people did not review their prescription medicine. we talk about how dangerous it is not to review your description. so again the access to pharmacies, the access to your doctor is gone right now. er in not going anywhere. we saw in some of the videos disabled people, people with physical challenges, this gentleman that you showed before, he lost his home and lost his motor wheelchair. he's desperate looking for one. insurance companies are not calling him back. this is a major concern. people have to step up. how long are these people going to wait? and this was -- we did this before just yesterday. we weren't out there sunday looking at the community, and i don't know what to tell them
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anymore because if this continues for a longer period of time, we are going to have a lot of the people sick, a lot of people are not going to have the access, and things will get worse. the winter is here. so we are not in a warm environment. everything is wet, everything is moist. so i just -- i can't -- i can't see this happening in america. but here we go again. this is katrina 2012 for a lot of people here in the new york area. shannon: there was amazing voter turnout in philadelphia and some are questioning the numbers. up next we'll take a look to see if those figures add up. plus the big companies saying president obama's healthcare law could force them to make tough decisions to stay afloat. >> if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your
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chief washington correspondent james rosen is dig into whether it's too high to believe. >> reporter: the presidency is called the loneliest job in the world. if he needs a whole lot of love he could do no better than to hit the streets of philadelphia where the philadelphia inquirer reports there were some divisions of the city where gop mosh failed to garner single vote. zooming out slightly if you will to a higher level there were six of the city of brotherly love 66 wards where the president captured 99% of the vote or better. we can say that for 13 of the city's wards. former congressman joe sestak represented the city that abutted philadelphia. while he has seen the way the philadelphia political machine operates he says he sees no
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evidence ever evidence of foul play in these numbers. >> it just didn't matter about that machine. i think the people vote the way they believed in and i think it was reflective of the polls what they would do even before the election. >> reporter: a similar pattern was discernible in the neighborhoods of chicago. in 1/5 of the windy city's wards president obama captured 98% of the votes and in 6 wards 99% the vote. >> i don't find it impossible to believe that there are sections where he got 99% or 98% of the vote. there are such neighborhoods. you can see them in central city black ghetto neighborhoods. >> but he thread were certain parts of philadelphia where the turnout rate exceeded 90%.
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shannon: a lot of folks raising questions. thank you very much. we are getting word that president obama is planning a public push for his deficit reduction plan that included spending cuts. the president's senior strategist david axlerod and lindsey graham discussed the plan on cbs's "face the nation." >> it's obvious we can't resolve the challenge simply by cutting the budget. we have cut by $1.1 trillion. but you need new revenues. every objective person who looked at this agrees on that. the question is where is that revenue going to come from? >> no republican will vote for higher tax rates. we'll insist our democratic friend reform entitlements,
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something we have never done and that's where the big money is at. shannon: doug schoen and grover more gift. thank you, gentlemen. you have taken the heat because you are accused of strong arming republicans into signing a pledge that they won't raise taxes and you are to blame for the gridlock and it will continue. how do you respond? >> the pledge is taken by candidates for office to their constituents and the american people it, a pledge they take to their constituents and they get elected based on that. a majority of the congressmen and house of representatives made a written commitment they will vote against tax increases and we didn't have gridlock. a year ago 2011 we passed the budget control act which cut spending $2.5 trillion.
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didn't raise taxes it was very successful. the people who whine are liberals who wanted higher taxes instead of the fending executives. shannon: where do we go with this. a lot of stuff that passes the house doesn't pass the senate. >> lindsey graham suggested a way to do it. if you have real tax reform. lower rates and limit deductions there is a way to get more revenue. if you couple that with entitlement reform you can have a pro-growth plan. getting the precise numbers right and compromising is a challenge. but there is a way to do a deal. given what speaker baron and the president have said, i think there was a path. shannon: the president didn't take the advice of the debt commission. what makes you think these groups will be able to find common ground? >> i'm not sure that they will.
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the simpson-bowles commission which simpson and bowles wrote a plan that included taking taxes up to 21% over 10 years with spending cuts that were really written in out line form. the challenge is the president has not put any real spending cuts on the table. when he talks about his budget, it includes $800 billion in savings from not continuing the iraq war for the next century which no one was planning to do. and he counts between $1 trillion and $2 trillion in spending cuts that have been passed into law. the spenting cuts from the budget control act. he wants to count a second time. he hasn't put real spending reduction and certainly no entitlement reforms on the table. until he does it's all a
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campaign. shannon: the president did put together a budgetary framework that got zero votes. no republicans, no democrats. so he has a big thanks ahead of him. he has an issue of leadership that speaker boehner calls on him to step up on. there seems visibility very little common ground. you mentioned entitlement reform. politicians do talk about it but they are afraid lit cost them their seat because other side will play games with it and call seniors and say they will lose everything. there doesn't seem to be an actual appetite for attacking entitlement reform. who do you think could be a leader or leaders on that particular issue? >> b and simpson. you can do it by lowering rates and reducing deductions.
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we have to compromise. grover may win the argument but america may lose the war if he's right. i believe america can only succeed if we put our collective heads together, compromise and achieve a budgetary settlement that is not satisfactory to anybody but achieves our common goal of balancing a budget. something bill clinton and newt gingrich did in the mid-90s. shannon: are you against closing loop holes? >> i'm in favor of new revenues through economic growth. if you grow the economy at 4% a year, that 4% a year over 2% a year over a decade raises $5 trillion in more revenue. not a tax increase. but revenue through growth. why would you raise taxes when you could debt $5 trillion by
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cutting marginal tax rates and getting rid of some of the overregulation that obama is threatening the economy with and having more economic growth and more people pat work? that's the better way to raise revenue. it's disingenuous to say both parties have failed. the republicans in the house passed the ryan plan which fundamentally reformed entitlements. it needs the senate and the president to go along with it. but the republicans passed a real budget in writing in legislative form not some essay about what they think might be done which is all the president has done. shannon: paul ryan did win his house seat so he will be back there with the budget committee. thank you very much for weighing in. we are getting today a growing number of reports about layoffs, cutbacks and workers seeing their hours reduced as employers try to deal with the new costs of obama-care and still stay
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profitable. we'll show you the special concern for the medical device industry. plus giving oned vets a new independence. a marine severely wounded in afghanistan and his new home because of the kind hearts and generosity of americans.
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shannon: one of the big stories developing the last week or so. a host of companies warning of cutbacks and layoffs. most of them are saying they are trying to adapt to the president's healthcare law while still staying profitable. scott atoday's, the publisher of two publiccation. scott, thanks so much for joining us.
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what we know is there are 20 some taxes tied to obama-care that were tossed into the bill. one of those concerns, medical device nevers. 2.3% on total sales regardless of whether they have a prove it. >> the issue is the 2.3% tax that the affordable care act is on revenues at the top line. that's going to affect manufacturer's profitability on the bottom line. it will create layoffs and moving jobs overseas, two would be to -- sorry, lost my trairch thought there, shannon. >> reporter: that's scary enough. >> the second piece is they will start cutting r and d.
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long term as a society we start losing wonderful products that come to mark fret these companies as they start to pay this tax. the last thing would be, they would have to pass that pricing on to the consumer, meaning the hospitals and integrated hospital networks. shannon: we were told one of the goals was to make healthcare more affordable and accessible. when you add the different taxes a medical device company would face. they could be paying a higher tax rate in effect. that doesn't sound like it will make it easier for americans to have better access to these device that in many cases are life saving things people will need. >> the problem with it. people hear 2%, 3%, they think it' not that big of a deal. it's 2.3%. if you take a $100 million
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company. that's 2.3 million that that company will be taxed. most those companies are operating on a 3% to 5% prove it. you just took a 2.3 tax on revenue and turned it into a 40ers to 60% tax on prove it. they have no choice but to snof jobs overseas and cutting r annd cutting r & d. what they do and the times of prove it margins they are operating on. shannon: folks in the industry have been trying to sound the alarm ever since this law was passed. you mention r & d, research and development. america has been a leader in
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medical care. is it possible we are going to lose position because of this tax? >> absolutely. there is no doubt about that. this tax puts the u.s. medical manufacturers in a position that we'll be taxed higher than roughly every other country in the world. there is a wonderful company in new york, been around since 1915. a month and a half ago as we are starting to find out what this tax means to us in the healthcare world. they will be laying off 275 employees for the first time in their history. this is a company that brings products to us on a daily basis. if this tax doesn't get repealed -- this is on both sides of the aisle, the democrat is and republican side of the aisle, folks do not want this tax implement. it will set us back significantly in the healthcare
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rerena. shannon: an american soldier who nearly sacrificed it all gets a token of thanks from those he swore to protect. mm. some laxatives like dulcolax can cause cramps. but phillips' caplets don't. they have magnesium. for effective relief of occasional constipation. thanks. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. has become boring and steless... only one man can save the day. kellogg's crunchy nut! ♪ sweet and nutty crunchy nut! [ male announcer ] honey sweet flakes with nuts in every bite. it's super delicious. or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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you feel sometimes disappointed because they got to you and they are able to do this to you and you can't go back and finish the job and get payback on them. but it goes away. it's only like the first few months you have that anger.
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otherwise you start to get used to your daily living. shannon: that was sergeant john peck. he was severely oned in iraq and afghanistan. today stacks to the steven sieler foundation he was given the keys to a home specifically designed for him. >> reporter: shannon, not just steven siller but the gary sinise foundation all to make life easier for sergeant peck. he lost all four of his limbs. first suffering a brain injury in '08, then reeven list and going to afghanistan where an ied blew up and he lost his limbs.
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we had a giant flag hanging in front of the house. they enter third brand-new house and they are very happy about it. sergeant peck does not say he's a hero. let's listen to how he puts it. >> there is one thing that's hard to say is that i really do not find myself a hero. i find the people who did not come back, i actually have a buddy that was blown up in afghanistan he just got married three months before deployment. he left a loving wife and he did not come back. he was beloved by all. >> reporter: three of the homes are already open and nine more on the drawing board.
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>> and another word for charities helping sergeant pat, the foundations and our team ran in a tower to tunnel


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